One must never forget that there are several alternative approaches to controlling hazardous exposures. It is also important to know that some of these hazard control methods may be more reliable and effective than others. Present below is a list of hazard control methods that either help eliminate or reduce chemical exposures: 1.Online Safety Training Courses: This may sound obvious, but you will be shocked to know that many employees and workers are completely unaware of the very presence of these course. Remember that awareness and knowledge can save lives. For instance, these courses shed light on several topics such as, Decontamination, Toxicology, Air monitoring, site control methods and much more. 2.Substitution: Less harmful alternatives often exist, but unfortunately, substitution can be an expensive and complex proposition that requires years of experimentation and research. However, this is the best approach since it can completely eliminate the hazard in question. 3.Enclose...
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